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André Fabio Kohn, Ph.D.

andkohn@usp.br , (andfkohn@leb.usp.br)

phone: (55-11) 3091-5535      

E.E.(Electrical Engineering): Universidade de São Paulo (USP), Escola Politécnica, Dec. 1973

M.S.E.E. : Universidade de São Paulo (USP), 1976 (research on computerized electrocochleography)

Ph.D. : University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA), 1980 (research on the communication across an inhibitory synapse in crayfish and in eletronic and mathematical models)

Professor of Biomedical Engineering at USP

Director and co-founder of the Biomedical Engineering Laboratory at USP

Former member of the campus-wide Neuroscience graduate program at USP

Researcher at the National Institutes of Health (NINDS) from 10/1994 to 4/1995

Research Interests

Human Neurophysiology with Emphasis on the Spinal Cord

Modeling and Simulation of Neurons and Neuronal Networks

Motor Control in Humans

Clinical Neurophysiology

MS and Ph.D. advisor

I advise students from engineering, physics, computer science and equivalent backgrounds in the Electrical Engineering Program of the Escola Politécnica of of USP (http://ppgee.poli.usp.br).
The main topics of current research include the mathematical modeling of neurons and their networks, synapses, muscles, joints, and the complex interactions of all these elements together. One of the goals is to increase knowledge of the sensorimotor system at different levels of organization. Another topic is the study of postural control in humans by means of experiments using the lab's infrastructure as well as by using appropriate mathematical models. The goal being to further the knowledge on what influences postural control under different conditions.

Papers and Book Chapters

Laboratório de Engenharia Biomédica
Av. Prof. Luciano Gualberto, trav. 3, 158.
Cidade Universitária - CEP 05586-0600
São Paulo, SP, Brasill